Arlington's Helpful Guide To Effective Crane Fly Control

Serving Families Throughout Euless

Flies, whether indoors or outdoors, are already an annoyance, but when you add the crane fly species into the mix, the balance of harmony can be drastically disturbed. Crane flies are practically harmless insects, but that doesn't mean they won't disturb your peace. Here, we'll go through properly identifying crane flies and how to effectively get rid of them.

What Are Crane Flies In Arlington?

Since "everything is bigger in Texas," crane flies are often thought of as "Texas-sized mosquitoes." But the reality is that crane flies aren't part of the mosquito species at all. Crane flies are very fragile insects with long, thin legs and are typically tan in color. 

These insects are commonly found in moist environments like near streams or in forests. It's also common to find these insects in dryer environments like deserts and open fields, making Arlington the perfect breeding ground for these "leggy" insects.

These insects vary in size and can get as big as 1 ½ inches or more! Essentially, they're nothing to worry about other than being a nuisance. But just because these bugs don't cause any serious harm or damage, that doesn't mean you have to "deal" with them. 

If your property or home is riddled with crane flies, contact our team at All Seasons Pest Control. 

Are Crane Flies In Arlington Dangerous?

Many believe that crane flies bite, simply because they're confused with mosquitos, but crane flies are, medically, not dangerous and pose no threats to human beings. In fact, crane flies are actually one of the most harmless species of insects. The most damage it can do is damage to turf grass, and that's by leaving their larvae to eat on the roots until they become adults.

Eco-Friendly Crane Fly Prevention Tips For Arlington Homes

If you can catch a crane fly infestation early, you may be able to stop the problem before it gets out of hand. Here are some ways to prevent a larger crane fly problem on your property. 

  • Kill the larvae: The best way to prevent crane flies around your home is to stop it at the source: the larvae. The appearance of your lawn will always be a dead giveaway of a crane fly infestation.
  • Search for lawn damage: If you see damaged patches of grass, dig directly into the damaged grass and look for the larvae (typically brownish-grayish in color). If there are only a few larvae, you can treat the larvae yourself. But, if you see heavy infestation, you'll want to contact your local pest control services to properly and effectively kill and stop the larvae from growing.
  • Turn to Nature: Although crane flies are a nuisance, you can't forget that they're an excellent food source for birds. Encourage robins and sparrows with bird feeders to help with crane fly population control.

Though you may do everything you can to deter crane flies, you may not be able to catch a problem before it gets out of hand. If you suspect crane flies or other unwanted pests are wreaking havoc on your lawn, it's best to partner with a pest professional for help. 

How To Get Rid Of Crane Flies In Your Arlington Home

To get rid of crane flies, you can always get a liquid insecticide and do it yourself, but if you don't want to run the risk of them coming back and becoming a constant pest in your home, you'll not only want to invest in regular yard maintenance, but you'll also need to trust your crane fly prevention to pest control professionals.  

Our team at All Seasons Pest Control will help rid your property of these nuisance pests. To find more about how we can keep your yard beautiful and your home safe from unwanted pests, reach out to us today.